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Member Benefits

We are pleased you have decided to join our organization and become part of the REALTOR ® family.  We are happy to get to know you, to support you, and to help you navigate your professional endeavors to work towards our mission of improving the professionalism of our members.

SBOR is your organization and we encourage you to take full advantage of all your benefits as a member.  We welcome you to ask questions, get involved, and let us help you on your way.

Joining a board membership offers several benefits to
Affiliates and REALTOR®

  1. Networking opportunities: Board memberships often provide access to a diverse group of professionals from various industries. This networking can lead to valuable connections and referrals for real estate clients. Collaborating with professionals from different backgrounds can also expand a realtor's knowledge and help them stay informed about industry trends.
  2. Increased visibility and credibility: Serving on a board can enhance a realtor's visibility within the community and the industry.
  3. Professional development and learning opportunities: Board memberships can offer educational and professional development opportunities.
  4. Community involvement and giving back: Joining a board allows realtors and affiliates to actively contribute to their community or a cause they care about. By lending their skills and expertise, realtors and affiliates can make a positive impact beyond their real estate transactions. Engaging in philanthropic activities through the board can also enhance their personal and professional fulfillment.
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REALTOR® membership is three-tiered.  Members also belong to their State REALTOR® association and the National Association of REALTORS®. SBOR’s state association is the Ohio Association of REALTORS® (OR).